Remembering Edwin

Edwin’s funeral will be held in the next few days. Please email info at if you were friends with Edwin and would like the details.

Instead of sending flowers please consider making a donation to the National Youth Theatre for a new bursary in Edwin’s name. This wonderful organisation was very close to Edwin’s heart. The money will be used to support young actors. Click here  to donate.

We also suggest going to see one of the NYT’s plays this season, and raising a glass to Edwin in the bar afterwards.

If you knew Edwin just a little but would still like the chance to remember him, then please come to his memorial on May 19th. We will post a notice here as soon as we know the exact time and other details.

Some photos of Edwin.

We are currently compiling photographs and anecdotes to use at Edwin’s memorial. Please consider doing one or more of the following.

  1. Record a video anecdote and send it to us to use for the memorial.
  2. Email us photos you have of Edwin.
  3. Email us an anecdote to print in the book we are putting together.

The email address to use is info at

Also feel free to leave comments on this website, with memories or stories that you would like to share. We will also use these for the book if you find that easier than emailing.

Thank you,

Raph (Edwin’s son).

2 thoughts on “Remembering Edwin

  1. Life will be sadder without him in it, but I can not think of Edwin without a smile and will remember him with laughter.

  2. So sorry to hear about Edwin. We knew him a long, long time ago (and kept in touch sporadically).He rented Keith a leaking barn in deepest Kent to store his furniture and props for Prospect Theatre Company and we got involved in the early days of his hotel project in Sandgate.

    We’re out of the country at the moment but would love to come to remember Edwin depending on when the funeral is.

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you all

    Keith and Ellie

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